Re: Tab pressing

You're entitled to your opinion Paul to be sure; I just don't agree with


Paul Davis wrote:

>On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 10:44 -0600, Bob Caryl wrote:
>>First you must intercept the <Enter> keystroke event before it is
>>propagated to the widgets contained in your application window(s).  To
>>do this, you must connect your own callback slot to
>>Gtk::Main::signal_key_snooper like this:
>this is a dreadful idea. there is absolutely no reason to use the key
>snooper for this. the class on_key_press_event() virtual method will
>override and and all default key processing, and anything you want to do
>from a key snooper there with regards to Tab/Enter can be done there.
>key snooping is for a much more low level purpose, like watching all key
>press/release events in all top level windows of an app. i use it, but
>for this purpose its overkill.

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