Minor MinGW bug when compiling gtkmm...?

I'm not sure what I've found is a bug or perhaps me not grasping the
concept (that has been known to happen from time to time :-) ), but:

I'm in the process of compiling the GTK+/Gtkmm suite for MinGW, and
I've come across something that does not compile:
examples\book\input\main.cc. Specifically, line 52 (mkfifo is not
found). With the standard MinGW distribution, mkfifo() is not defined
in sys/stat.h.

I did find the function defined in the LibGW32C glibc distribution,
but trying to include it (--includedir=-I/mingw/include/glibc) causes
all kinds of havoc. I was wondering if any MinGW veterans out there
have a better way of dealing with this?

In order for me to get around this and keep compiling (because I don't
need the examples to build my project), I remark off the line and keep

R. Douglas Barbieri
doug dooglio net

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