Re: Strange Runtime Message

Paul Davis wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 14:56 -0600, Bob Caryl wrote:
>>When my application is run from a console command line, the following is
>>output to the console: "attempt to put segment in horiz list twice"
>>Does anyone know what error this indicates?
>you gave a set of points to libart which includes the same x coordinate
>twice in a row. libart doesn't like this. it would be nice if it could
>keep its mouth shut since it doesn't actually break anything.

The forgoing might be true except that I do not use, nor do I link
libart into my application as shown by the follwing dump of the output
of "readelf -d gmwclassification" :


Dynamic section at offset 0xd390 contains 45 entries:
  Tag        Type                         Name/Value
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library:
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
 0x0000000c (INIT)                       0x804c860
 0x0000000d (FINI)                       0x8051184
 0x00000004 (HASH)                       0x80481a0
 0x00000005 (STRTAB)                     0x8049858
 0x00000006 (SYMTAB)                     0x80488a8
 0x0000000a (STRSZ)                      9986 (bytes)
 0x0000000b (SYMENT)                     16 (bytes)
 0x00000015 (DEBUG)                      0x0
 0x00000003 (PLTGOT)                     0x8056524
 0x00000002 (PLTRELSZ)                   1552 (bytes)
 0x00000014 (PLTREL)                     REL
 0x00000017 (JMPREL)                     0x804c250
 0x00000011 (REL)                        0x804c1c0
 0x00000012 (RELSZ)                      144 (bytes)
 0x00000013 (RELENT)                     8 (bytes)
 0x6ffffffe (VERNEED)                    0x804c150
 0x6fffffff (VERNEEDNUM)                 3
 0x6ffffff0 (VERSYM)                     0x804bf5a
 0x00000000 (NULL)                       0x0



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