Re: libpropc++

After reading all your post on sigc++ i'm more confused than before.
Issue here is not can c++ solve this problem with new keywords tomorrow,
or do other libs have same problem, but can gtkmm/sigc++ safely be used
in commercial software at this point. I see there is large list of
companies using it right now, so is it safe to say it can be used without
opening source?

I have custom widgets, they use sigc++ for new signals, but i don't
care about them. I don't care about gui part at all, my only concern
is about Gtk::TreeStore that i use inside my document class. I hook
to it's signals and if i must give source to all parts that use sigc++
will i have to give source of this specific class? If so how to eliminate
this problem?

Thank you all for comments.

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