Re: Libpropc++

2005/8/18, Ramashish Baranwal <ramashish lists gmail com>:
> > Since template code cannot be 'separated' from the rest of a program
> > into a shared library, all the files that depend on a template library
> > (such as, in fact, libsigc++) will have to be open-sourced in order to
> > comply with the terms of the LGPL. This does indeed implicate that you'd
> > have to open-source at least a part of your program in order to be able
> > to use libsigc++.
> The template code surely can't (atleast now) be separated in the form
> of a shared library, but the code that depends on a template library
> can definitely be made a shared library if that code is itself not a
> template code. So it depends.. You may or may not have to release your
> source code.
> Ramashish

If I have to open source part of my code that depends on it, then
another part of code will depend on that part, and so on. In the end
everything must be open source becouse every next layer of code
depends on previos one.

Lets say I use treestore in my document class (not using Bakery) and i
hook to signals like row_inserted and such then I cant isolate that
class becouse it it still uses sigc++, and all real logic is in it,
gui realy is not important :), so there can't be any clean cut from
open source and property part.

Don't get me wrong, If there will be any generic code that I can
extract from it and release it under LGPL I will..

(sorry for bad english)

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