Re: Libpropc++

Foster Gareth wrote:
 > Since template code cannot be 'separated' from the rest of a program
 > into a shared library, all the files that depend on a
 > template library
 > (such as, in fact, libsigc++) will have to be open-sourced in
 > order to
 > comply with the terms of the LGPL. This does indeed implicate
 > that you'd
 > have to open-source at least a part of your program in order
 > to be able
 > to use libsigc++.
I've heard about this problem in the context of other open source libraries. Does anyone know if there is there any scope for this being addressed in the
forthcomming C++ standard, is it even on the agenda for that revision or
perhaps the next?

I don't think it's even possible. Because templates provide compile-time information they need source to work. Note that even in discussions about the 'export' keyword it is often explicitly mentioned that that part of the spec will not provide a way for library providers to keep their source closed, while 'export' is the closed one can get as far as I can tell. I would be very happy to be shown wrong on this though.



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