Re: Libpropc++

On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 12:15 +0200, Kresimir Sojat wrote:
> I was just playing around on sourgeforge and found the
> Part of this project is
> libpropc++ and in its documentation
> ( says:
> Libpropc++ provides a partial reimplementation of libsigc++. Use this
> reimplementation if you want to use libpropc++ to write commercial
> software because the license of libsigc++ requires any software using
> libsigc++ to be open source.

This is nonsense. libsigc++ is LGPL.

> Is this statement true? Becouse i don't use gtkmm/sigc++ to develop
> open source software, and on says:
> Note that this license does not require you to release the source code
> of your own applications or libraries and does not require you to pay
> any fees.
> I am realy confused now.

There's a lot of rubbish on sourceforge along with the good stuff. The
author of this one is particularly eccentric.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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