Re: gtkglextmm-1.1.0 for MinGW

Am Sun, 14 Aug 2005 19:40:05 +0200 schrieb Andreas Volz:

> Hi,
> is there someone who get gtkglextmm-1.1.0 compiled with MinGW on
> win32? I get everytime:
> g++.exe: : Invalid argument
> Could you explain what you did to compile it? Or could you send me a
> zip file containing your make-install with libs/headers/... directory?

Ok, I couldn't compile it, but I found some lib and dll files in the
archives on this list. So I copied all needed files and created a NSIS
installer from it. It seems to work. So if someone need a win32
installer for gtkglextmm-1.1.0 write to my email address. Only for


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