Re: Gtk::Table with a Gtk::TextView

First off, I don't see a Gtk::TextView (or a Gtk::TextBuffer) declared anywhere, so I'm a bit confused about that part, but I'd point out that your code is attach an empty Gtk::Frame to your table... basically, there is nothing for the window to display.

Bob Caryl

Daniel Albuschat wrote:

Hi there,

I got some problems with a Gtk::TextView attached to a Gtk::Table.
The result just displays a one-pixel wide TextView instead of
spreading it over the whole table's width/height.

Here's my example application:

#include <gtkmm.h>

struct Win: public Gtk::Window {
   Gtk::Table t;
   Gtk::Frame v;
   Win(): t(2,2) {
     t.attach(v,0,2,0,2, Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::EXPAND);
} };

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { Gtk::Main m(argc, argv);
 Win win;

I bet it's something rather simple, but well.


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