Re: Where are the key codes for GdkEventKey defined?

On Sunday 17 April 2005 15:47, Matthias Kaeppler wrote:
> So, I want to handle key-press events, and I need the constants which
> define the key codes.
> I have been searching for hours now, this mailing list, the internet,
> and I even grep'ed through the gtkmm/gdkmm/glibmm header files to find
> out where the key-codes are defined (I suppose there /is/ something like
> GDK_ENTER or such?).
> The Gtk+ reference only said it was defined in <gdk/gdkkeysym.h>, but
> this header does not exist in my gtkmm-2.4 installation.
> Please don't tell me I have to use raw numbers to catch key events :)

#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>


Summer is y-cumen in, lhude sing, cuccu!
Groweth sed and bloweth med, springeth the wude nu.

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