Window Decorations

I'm trying to set the decorations for my Gtk::Dialog.
I've over ridden on_realize() function like this.

//My dialog derived from Gtk::Dialog
void MyDialog::on_realize()
Gtk::Dialog::on_realize() ;
get_window()->set_decorations (Gdk::DECOR_ALL | Gdk::DECOR_RESIZEH | Gdk::DECOR_TITLE) ;
return ;

But what ever decorations i'm giving, I'm always getting the same decorations (all the decorations, title bar, minimize, maximize etc.)
But  if i call set_resizable(false), in my dialog constructor, i'm getting proper results. (like the maximize button is not there and the resize controls are absent).
What i want to do is to delete other controls also like close button on the top right corner of the window.

Am i missing some thing here.

Thanks in advance,

Surya Kiran Gullapalli
Sr. Development Engineer
Fluent India Pvt. Ltd.,

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