Re: [gtkmm] future of gtkmm

John Taber wrote:

This thread seems to confuse several different issues:

1) future of gtkmm itself - with the exception of keeping up with latest gtk releases and adding documentation, the only real issue for the future is whether there is a strong enough developer base to continue all the excellent work should Murray ever lose interest. 2) the future of Gtk - it's said that gtk is way behind Qt so catching up and surpassing Qt features is the first challenge. The second challenge might be to develop more intelligent widgets such as validated input boxes and even a standard dialog box template that handles all the IO and okay/cancel/help actions, or even a opengl widget with scrollbars+zoom buttons, a really good UML template system, etc - these type of intelligent widgets/templates could save lots and lots of coding time. It trades off a little flexibility (but with open source you can always modify things) but the productivity gains are huge.

3) the future of C++ - while most of the discussion centers on smart pointers and garbage collection, as head of a software company, I don't find memory mgmt to be that big a deal for us (though we could really use more intelligent debuggers, something like valgrind and lint on steriods) - For us the real issues are major gains in productivity and profitabililty which are centered around needing better tools - like more intelligent UML, code generation, testing, and project mgmt metrics. New functions, smart pointers, etc (ie D language) are all good but they are incremental improvements John _______________________________________________
gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

   Yes, that's true.
In my opinion it's need to finalize gtk+ and GTK-based GNOME desktop and let the C++ing begins. It's need either to write a NEW GNOME-like desktop based on gtkmm, 'cause it C++ (in concurrention (f.e. Havoc has denied productivity of rewriting), but at least all wrapping work must be done) or KDE (which for now is outmarching GNOME in development temp!) will stay numero uno as *nix desktop (not for distributors due to Trolltech's Qt licensing policy, but for user which is the Customer and King). Now we have 2 conceptions of underGNOME development - gtk+/GNOME and ALL GTK+ WRAPPERS. It goes in parallel. That the wasting the time! For ordinary developer who works as applicative programmer for some firm is important to develop an application fast and qualitatively. He's comparing Qt and gtkmm. And he sees that Qt's API is CLEARER and more intuitive. No differences for him GNOME it is or KDE, bonobo or kparts, DCOP. And he chooses Qt. Well, I like gtk+, but gtkmm has to change it's API and progressively to thicken its own API(to simplify the working over trees, listboxes, even to forsake the smart pointers. At least, it needs, for example, qualitative and good APIed GRID widget (not the terrible shamanic dances on the listview that we have now)).
   Maybe it's a flood. Anyway, sorry for my pidgin :)

Sincerelly yours, Baron Moenghausen.
PS. The theme is very interesting.

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