Re: [gtkmm] Entry() popup menuitems

If I override the button_press for the Entry() I should be able to get
rid of the menu entirely - which would be fine. Since this Entry() is in
a treeview how do I get the handle to the Entry() widget to do this? I'm
already overriding the button_press for the treeview and this is not
sufficient to intercede.

On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 15:49, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 13:41 -0600, Diana Esch-Mosher wrote:
> > Is there any convenient way to delete the "input methods" or the "insert
> > unicode control character" items from the Entry() right-click popup?  If
> > so - how do I get the handle to this menu for a treeview text cell? 
> It's probably not easy. But I'm CCing this to gtk-list gnome org in case
> anybody knows of a way.
Diana Esch-Mosher <desch-mosher lanl gov>
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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