[gtkmm] usual query

ive been looking at qt and gtkmm, and ive played a little with both. Im looking to produce GUIs in Linux C++, im not intresed in portability at all, or non-free licences. 

Im more attracted to gtkmm at the moment as it seems to work more how id expect a toolkit to implement itsself than qt does. However, i find im forever linking against all sorts of things and i spend 90% of my time making my IDE work with my project and gtkmm. Does anyone know of a good guide for using gtkmm with an IDE in linux ? -- esp anjuta IDE.

it would be nice to sort this out, i really do prefer gtkmm, but ill have to goto qt and its qtdesginer otherwise.

to summerise:
does anyone know of a step by step guide to gtkmm (newest version, libsigc++ 2.0 and all) working with anjuta ? -- google turned up squatt.

does anyone also know of a guide to using glade with gtkmm. -- ive found the 3-4 lines on the subject in the docs to gtkmm, and it was frankly, pitterful. iirc i had issues with glade-2 not having an undo feature and someone told me glade-3 was discontinued :-/ -- unhappy camper.

-- Si

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