[gtkmm] Using classes derived from gtk

Title: Using classes derived from gtk

Probably more of a programming question that a Gtk question, but how do I call the base class member functions from a derived class?  In my context, I've got a browserTree (displays directory trees) derived from a Gtk::TreeView.  In my constructor for browserTree I'm trying to set the model using the set_model function, just calling set_modal(refTreeModal) gives me the errors:

/usr/include/c++/3.3.3/bits/stl_alloc.h:656: undefined reference to 'VTT for browserTree'

this->set_model also gives me the same error

Is there something special I need to do, or am I missing something basic?  (I'll attach the code if needed)

It might be worth mentioning I'm using glade so browerTree is actually first derived from browserTree_glade which comes from TreeView.  I think the problem is in how I'm calling though, not glade, which is why I'm asking here.


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