EventBox and Bind

Ok, If figured out the last menu question- it involved a lot of Menuitems,
tables, and event boxes.

Now I have the following code, and can't figure out a signal that will
work with it.


  Gtk::EventBox * SubEventBox = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::EventBox());

 #ifdef WIN32

// skipping ....

      sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PresentClass::PresentClassSelect), fullPath +
tmp3 ));


Now both fullPath & tmp3 are ustrings, and tmp3 will change several times
as the menu generates. So I figure I have to bind them somehow.  But I can
get the compiler to run with anything I give it... and
&PresentClass::PresentClassSelect rebuilds the menu based on the path.

So how can I pass the information on, along with the button press


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