User defined signals - something changed!

I upgraded to the latest gtk+ (2.4.14 from the gladewin installer) and the latest gtkmm (2.4.8). My application on XP now dies in startup. In creating my toplevel window I first create an object that creates a user-defined signal (view_changed) . A ton of other things I create during the constructor of toplevel want to connect to this view_changed signal. I die as soon as my program hits a connect for this signal. Can someone give me a clue as to what has changed such that this is no longer valid (my program has NOT changed). I was using 2.4.10 with 2.4.5.

PS. I would love to check this on linux, but my hard drive went belly up yesterday!

Diana Esch-Mosher

Here is the pertinent Dr. Mingw output:

zing.exe caused an Access Violation at location 026034a7 in module libsigc-2.0-0.dll Writing to location 00000000.

eax=00000000 ebx=0022f6f0 ecx=03cc7148 edx=03c72914 esi=03c7290c edi=00000045 eip=026034a7 esp=0022f4b8 ebp=0022f4b8 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00000246

Call stack:
AddrPC     AddrReturn AddrFrame  AddrStack  Params
026034A7 02639924 0022F4B8 0022F4B8 03CC7148 03C72914 0022F4E8 02601608 026034A7 libsigc-2.0-0.dll:026034A7c:\GTKMM\bin\libsigc-2.0-0.dll: No symbol found
02639924 02601548 0022F518 0022F4B8 03C72914 03C72914 0022F6D0 026018C7 02639924 libsigc-2.0-0.dll:02639924c:\GTKMM\bin\libsigc-2.0-0.dll: No symbol found
02601548 0260158F 0022F538 0022F4B8 03C7290C 03C72914 0022F6D0 004EFE24 02601548 libsigc-2.0-0.dll:02601548c:\GTKMM\bin\libsigc-2.0-0.dll: No symbol found _ZN4sigc8internal11signal_impl6insertESt14_List_iteratorINS_9slot_baseEERKS3_ 0260158F 02601770 0022F558 0022F4B8 03C7290C 0022F6D0 0022F5A8 004EFDF7 0260158F libsigc-2.0-0.dll:0260158Fc:\GTKMM\bin\libsigc-2.0-0.dll: No symbol found
02601770 004EFDF7 0022F568 0022F4B8 0022F590 0022F6D0 0022F700 7FFDF000 02601770 libsigc-2.0-0.dll:02601770c:\GTKMM\bin\libsigc-2.0-0.dll: No symbol found
004EFDF7 0042C1EF 0022F5A8 0022F4B8 0022F6F0 0022F6D0 0022F700 00000000 004EFDF7 zing.exe:004EFDF7C:\msys\1.0\home\115248\src\zing\src\zing.exe: No symbol found

0042C1EF 0049BAAF 0022F728 0022F4B8 03CB4900 03C4C880 004870ED 00000000 0042C1EF zing.exe:0042C1EF Zing::LayerDialog::LayerDialog(Zing::TopLevel*)
> topLevel->get_layer_set()-> view_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LayerDialog::onViewChanged)); topLevel->get_layer_set()->file_renamed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LayerDialog::onFileRenamed) );

0049BAAF 00406F01 0022FE48 0022F4B8 03C4C880 000000E1 00000136 000000E1 0049BAAF zing.exe:0049BAAF Zing::TopLevel::TopLevel(int, int, int, int, int, int)
solutionDialog = 0;
>        layerDialog = new LayerDialog(this);
       imageControls = new ImageControls(this);
       vectorizerDialog = new VectorizerDialog(this);

00406F01 004388B1 0022FEC8 0022F4B8 03C584D0 00000045 0022FF90 004388A3
00406F01  zing.exe:00406F01  Zing::App::create_top_level()
       //Instantiate the GUI
>        topLevel = new TopLevel(TOOLBOX_DEF_WIDTH, TOOLBOX_DEF_HEIGHT,

004388B1 0040122D 0022FF90 0022F4B8 00000001 03C412E8 036D2FE0 E2714C00
004388B1  zing.exe:004388B1  main
     // instantiate Window - needs to be done after preferences!
     //msg << "about to create_top_level()\n";
>      TopLevel *topLevel=zing->create_top_level();
     //msg << "done with create_top_level()\n";

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