Re: memory management

> Thank you for answering my e-mail.
> I  followed the links you have send me, but it seems to me manage() can
> be aplied only to
> widgets with container as parent.
> I want to know if I can do something similar with any Glib/Gtk class.

No, it only works for Gtk::Widgets.

> I saw Gtk::Object has is manage() method.
> class Foo
>  :     public Gtk::Object
> {
> public:
>     Foo()  :  Gtk::Object(NULL)
>     {
>     };
>     ~Foo()
>     {
>          std::cout << "destruktor" <<std::endl;
>     };
>     void add(Gtk::Object * obj)
>     {
>         manage(obj);
>     }
> };
>     Foo a, *b;
>     b = new Foo();
>      a.add(b);
> This code will compile.
> Gtk::object has manage() method.
> but (Foo a) destructor won't delete b object.
> Murray Cumming wrote:
>>On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 23:32 +0100, Kresimir Culin wrote:
>>>Does Gtk::Object or Glib::Object or some other class
>>>add_child_object(Gtk::Object * obj)
>>>or something similar.
>>>I don't understand what manage() does,
>>> maybe I could use manage.
>>>I need parent object (high in object tree as possible)
>>>that can free child objects when deleted.
>>"What does Gtk::manage() do?":
>>Memory Management - Managed Widgets:

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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