Re: [gtkmm] Feature Wish: ad-hoc or external properties for simplified data binding

Andreas Pokorny wrote:

On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 02:48:47PM +0100, Matthew Walton <matthew alledora co uk> wrote:
What you appear to be wanting here is a seperation of data and presentation (or Model-View-Controller), which is a fairly classic concept from all sorts of places. You should find that the TreeView

Yes, thats what I want, but I would hate an interface in which I had to
derive from some base model class just to wrap the model of a text field.
Then again you would have to write a lot of interface code to "get your
data into the gui". I propose a system that works without strong coupling of Gui classes and user classes, and more important than that, a system which saves a lot of lines of code.
Gtk::TreeModel is really just an interface - it's there to ensure that 
all models have the required methods available for Gtk::TreeView to call 
to get what it expects. That's not a particularly onerous thing.
Are you thinking of something where instead of providing a model object 
to the TreeView, you instead get the TreeView to call your own supplied 
functions or methods to obtain its data? If so, that's really just a 
different way to the same end (probably a messier one in my opinion). If 
you're thinking of something else, I'd be interested to hear you explain it.
widget (and the ComboBox in gtkmm 2.4) already have this abstraction - to use any external data store, you just have to wrap it in an interface derived from Gtk::TreeModel. TextView also has an external data store, so you could write a wrapper for more or less any source of text you cared to use for that. Other widgets don't already have it (the new sheet widget for GTK 2.8 will be using MVC as I understand it), but they could probably be coerced into it with a bit of effort.
That said, though, other widgets don't have substantial internal data 
storage - buttons have very little state information inside them, as 
also for checkboxes and so forth, which is why the widgets which do use 
MVC use it and the ones which don't, well, don't.

Even that little data should be stored in the users object. But I think,
that with the current design of gtkmm, this decision is done by the gtk+
developers, isn't it?
Yes. gtkmm decides how to wrap GTK+ in C++, but the actual functionality 
and structure of the toolkit is down to the GTK+ developers.

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