[gtkmm] Building popups on the fly


I need to build a popup menu on the fly, with values that change
depending on which item the popup has been invoked on.

My original idea was to work like this:

void Foo::invokePopup(...)
	Gtk::Menu itemPopup;
	Gtk::Menu submenu;

	for (something)
	for (somethingElse)

	itemPopup.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("Submenu...", submenu));

	itemPopup.popup(e->button.button, e->button.time);

However, the popup() method returns immediately, causing itemPopup and
submenu to be deallocated and the application to segfault or, if I move
itemPopup elsewhere and clear() its items() at the beginning of
invokePopup, the submenu deallocates and appears empty.

Should I do some funky bookkeeping of submenus (and then get mad at when
to deallocate them: before itemPopup().items().clear() or later?  I seem
to get segfaults either way) or is there a saner way to do all this?

So far I resolved like this:

class Foo
	Gtk::Menu itemPopup;

void invokePopup(...)
	Gtk::Menu* submenu = new Gtk::Menu();
	for (something)
	for (somethingElse)

	itemPopup.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem("Submenu...", *submenu));

	itemPopup.popup(e->button.button, e->button.time);

however, it means that all the "submenu" that are created keep living at
least until itemPopup is destroyed (which means, at the end of the
application: a memory leak).  Or clear() also deallocates managed
widgets?  Anything better?



Referring to the debian libgtkmm2.0-doc, section 10.2 of the book say
"Gtk::Menu contain child Gtk::MenuItems. MenuItems can, in turn, contain
child Menus, to create sub menus." but don't tell how to create
submenus.  The whole documentation, instead, seems to contain no
direct reference to Gtk::Menu_Helpers namespace (its elements are
included in the "Menu classes" part, but the Menu_Helpers namespace is
not explicitly mentioned.
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