Re: [[gtkmm] Libglademm autoconnecting callbacks]

Murray Cumming schrieb:
If not, a new entry in a map<string,signal_handler> is created, with
a proxy function that can be called by Gtk+ C code and calls back
to a sigc++ slot.

The idea is that the user have to fill this map, connecting each
of the signals stored in it to the correct handler, at runtime,

Oh well. thanks a lot for investigating. I guess that the libglademm 1 code is
not the answer.

Well, this is what I had in mind before (which is much like the glademm behaviour I realized), but didn't find time to implement:

For each window which is constructed look for a same named class. Then look for a decent ctor (perhaps with a Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> and a gpointer argument). Call it and associate the object (and it's lifetime) with the widget structure (AFAIK this is better done in a C style (you can't create objects of types no earlier known than at runtime in C++)).

Then you can call member methods of this class corresponding to the name entered in glade.


This is a radical breakage of the C like nature of libglade and an OO approach which has worked well in most glademm programs. IMNSHO it's a proven (I wrote several huge FLOSS programs using this scheme) good way.


PS: You can even extend that to user defined (widget like) types: Look for a ctor of a class of this name. PPS: glademm has a mechanism to cut the widget hierarchy into defined pieces to maintain a lower number of per-class callbacks.

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