Re: [gtkmm] how to free a pixbuf

> management. If the RefPtr goes out of scope, the Pixbuf will be freed.

I know. In your example, the RefPtr is a local variable in some function.
In my case, as I mentioned, it is a member in a class, so it does not go
out of scope right after the image has been read.

How else would I be able to re-draw the image on screen upon expose
events, if I didn't keep the pixbuf RefPtr around? I mean, I have
something like this:

class MyClass : public Gtk::Window
    Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf_;
    Gtk::DrawingArea * Darea;

    void load_image(const char * file){
	// more stuff

    void on_Darea_expose_event() {
	// display pixbuf_ here, and other stuff

> /* This is untested. */
> {
>   /* Load the first pixbuf */
>   Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> mypixbuf =
>       Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file("myicon.png");
>   /* Load the second pixbuf, the first one gets destroyed automatically */
>   mypixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file("my_new_icon.png");
> } /* mypixbuf gets out of scope and will be destroyed */

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