Re: [gtkmm] Gtk::Combo BUG?

Serge S. Fukanchik wrote:
i need to clear combo drop down list, but every Gtkmm solution
i tried so far, fails to do so.

It looks natural to use following construct:

combo.get_list()->children().clear ();

get, list of drop down children and clear it,
but this code segfaults in my simple test case (please see attached
source), and i ended with use of gtk_list_clear_items:

gtk_list_clear_items ( GTK_LIST ( combo.get_list ()->gobj() ), 0, -1 );

So, what is `correct' way of removing items from Combo Drop Down?

I think there is a bug in the combo box. For my project, this is the way we clear a combo box (using the GTK 'C' routine).

   // Clear the items in the combo box.
   gtk_list_clear_items (my_combo_widget.get_list()->gobj(), 0, -1);

Is it 'correct'? For me, yes, because it works for the version of gtkmm (gtkmm-2.2.1) that we are using for development. Did I pull my hair out trying to figure out that one line to clear a combo box? YES! Of all the widgets that I have worked with in MS and Linux, the Combo box has always driven me mad!


<snip the rest>

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