Re: [gtkmm] Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers::RadioElem

--- RMM <morelli cs utah edu> wrote:
> I'm a little puzzled what the intended paradigm is
> for radiobuttons
> in a toolbar,  i.e. 
> Gtk::Toolbar_Helpers::RadioElem
> I must be missing something here.  This class is
> just a struct,  so
> everything about toolbar radio buttons must be
> controlled in an
> external,  non-OO way.  But where?  I can't find any
> methods
> for setting or querying the state of a toolbar radio
> button anywhere.  
> Which one in a group is initially set?  Why do these
> radio buttons 
> have a different interface and paradigm from
> ordinary radio buttons?
I cannot answer this question.

> Is there a way to attach information to the signal
> generated by a 
> click?  The only thing I can see to do is to bind a
> different callback 
> to each toolbar radio button and make some
> assumptions about how
> these buttons get set and unset.

When build the GUI, I do
push_back(RadioElem(group, "Stop", m_Images[STOP],
(pstop_tool is a member variable.)
then in my on_state_changed:

Gtk::ToggleButton* button;
if(!button->get_active()) return;

Is that what you want?


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