RE: [gtkmm] Drag And Drop Context data

But in the given instance, with the given limitations, I guess then it's not
so bad to pass object pointers around?

Yes, I understand that should the DnD operation span processes that it would
probably crash the receiving application, but in this instance, since there
is only a single program that the user is going to work with, is it a
really, really bad idea?

And if not passing around object pointers, what would you pass around?  It
would have to denote some sort of identity that could be used to potentially
address back to an object instance, would it not?

Continued thanks for your thoughts.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Davis [mailto:paul linuxaudiosystems com] 
> Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 12:50 PM
> To: Erik echohome org
> Cc: gtkmm-list gnome org
> Subject: Re: [gtkmm] Drag And Drop Context data 
> >
> >This DnD will not cross application boundaries.  The 
> application that = 
> >I'm writing is intended to be the sole purpose for the 
> computer and the 
> >sole user interface.
> >
> >I suppose that if it did cross application boundaries, the 
> data passed 
> >= in the DnD would have to only pass process neutral data values so 
> >that the receiving application could get the data from wherever it's 
> >stored and = do
> >something with it.
> you can't stop it from crossing application boundaries, 
> AFAIK, and the drag source has no idea about the identity of 
> the drop target.
> --p

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