[gtkmm] Glib::RefPtr<foo>->instance?


  I've been going a few rounds with Glib::RefPtr<>s and could use
some help.

  What is the "proper" way to access the underlying instance (foo *)
of a Glib::RefPtr<foo>?

  For example: If I want to test to see if 2 RefPtrs refer to the
same class, I can use a == b.  How do I test to see if 2 separate
classes have the same value?  In pointer terms I'd use *a == *b.

  I know I can add a member function to foo which hands itself back.
Something like "foo *self() { return this; }".  Then I can use
*(a->self()) == *(b->self()).  Is this the "right" way?

  The underlying instance is also necessary when calling an external
library that wants a pointer to a instance and doesn't understand


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