Re: [gtkmm] Glib critical messages on Property<>


> > Yes, problem caused by Glib::Value<T*> (GValue, actualy).
> >
> > 1. T* should be a pointer to class derived from GLib::Object.
> No, it doesn't need to.

I just tested a little bit. If the class is derived from GLib::Object it
work fine. I also looked into the source code: Glib::Value<void*> is
much simpler and straightforward; Glib::Value<T*> depend on
ValueBase_Object (is this the reason why T must be derived from

So I wrote my own template specialization like for Glib::Value<void*> and
this work fine too. It's just the question if it's really wanted that for
Glib::Value<T*> T must derive from GLib::Object (for me it's not logical).


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