Re: [gtkmm] beginner´s question

"Andreas B. Thun" <abt gmx de> writes:

> I have a class ConstraintGui with a private member
> m_TreeBrowserBox.
> The constructor of a friend class ConstraintTypesBrowser
> creates a TreeBrowserBox I want to assign to m_TreeBrowserBox.
> I am doing something wrong there, because
>   guiRef.m_TreeBrowserBox.pack_start(myTreeBrowserBox);
> will not compile:
>   Gtk::VBox& Gtk::VBox::operator=(const Gtk::VBox&)' discards qualifiers

What are "guiRef" and "m_TreeBrowerBox"?

I don't see them defined within the constructor, or passed as
arguments.  If you identify what these are, and why exactly you need
them, you'll find the cause of your problems, I think.

As for the error itself: you are assigning a "const Gtk::VBox&" to a
"Gtk::VBox".  The assignment discards the "const" qualifier.  I've
never *ever* needed to assign widgets directly either with C/GTK+ or
C++/Gtkmm.  Perhaps you should be using a pointer instead??

> class ConstraintGui : public Gtk::Window {
>    public:
>      ConstraintGui();
>      virtual ~ConstraintGui();
> 	friend class ConstraintTypesBrowser;
>    private:
> 	Gtk::VBox m_TreeBrowserBox;
> }; // class

OK.  (Do you really need a friend, or could you achieve the same
effect through member functions?)

> ConstraintTypesBrowser::ConstraintTypesBrowser(
>    const ConstraintGui &constraintGuiRef
>    :
>    m_Frame("my frame:")
> {
>    ...
>    // Created a box I want to assign to m_TreeBrowserBox
>    // How can I assing myTreeBrowserBox to m_TreeBrowserBox?
>    // I am a friend class so I should have access to the
>    // private member m_TreeBrowserBox of class ConstraintGui
>    guiRef.m_TreeBrowserBox.pack_start(myTreeBrowserBox); // will not compile
> }

This is incomplete (and not compilable).


Roger Leigh

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