Re: [gtkmm] Problems with gtkmm 2.2.8 on win32

Hi Rick,

We need some details on your local installation to try to solve your

1. Platform (win 9x, 2000, XP ?)
2. Did you change your PATH to point to GTK+ (bin + lib) and gtkmm (bin)
runtime directories (manually or in the gtkmm installer) ?
3. Do you run the demo from the Start Menu or throught the command line
? The link in the Start Menu/gtkmm/demo dynamically change the PATH for
you and should run out of the box.
4. Can you compile/run a simple GTK+ example ?


On Sat, 2003-12-20 at 04:26, Rick Sutphin wrote:
> I installed GTK+-2.2.4 developer and runtime packages from 
> ant the gtkmm-2.2.8 runtime and developer packages from
>  All installs completed with no errors. But when starting the gtkmm 
> demo,  I get the following error message:
> lib not found /target/lib/pango/1.0.0/modules/pango-basic-win32.dll

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