Re: [gtkmm] leave_notify in VBox

Carl Nygard wrote:
I'm trying to set up a callback to tell me when the mouse has left a
VBox widget area.  I've tried the signal_leave_notify_event, tried
overriding on_leave_notify_event, nothing seems to work.

I even made sure to add_mask(Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK), but nada...

What am I missing?

Some widget has it's own Gdk window some not. Obviously Gdk events do not
applicable to those without own window. There is Gtk::Widget::has_no_window
method, which can tell you if your particular widget has window or not.
If it don't you can use parent widget's window to achieve your task, or you
can place your widget inside Gtk::EventBox and use EventBox's window.

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