Re: [gtkmm] TreeView: number of clicked column

> > A good way to do that is to create an object inheriting from
> > Gtk::TreeViewColumn and that will keep the column number and connect
> > to signal_clicked(). Then it can catch the click signal and pass it
> > with the column number to my general function.
> > 
> > Is there another quicker way to to that?
> You can do funky stuff with SigC::bind and pointers. Perhaps it can
> help here. For example:

Thanks a lot!

Here's the result in this case:

void MyClass::column_clicked(int colnb) {
     // process column click depending on the column number

MyClass::MyClass() {
     // ...

(SigC::slot(*this, &ConnectRoomWindow::column_clicked), 0));
(SigC::slot(*this, &ConnectRoomWindow::column_clicked), 1));
(SigC::slot(*this, &ConnectRoomWindow::column_clicked), 2));

     // ...

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