RE: [gtkmm] 2 Glib::RefPrt<>s from one instance.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dale Wiles [mailto:dwiles Buffalo Veridian Com] 
>   This isn't so much a bug as an undocumented design quirk.
>   Given a decendent memory model, Glib::RefPtr<>s work fine:
>     foo *orig = new foo; Glib::RefPrt<foo> a(orig); b = a; c = b;
>     "orig" won't be deleted until a, b and c are all out of scope.
>     This is a good thing.
>   If, however, you construct 2 RefPtr<>s from the same 
> instance then that
> instance's destructor gets called twice.

So don't do it. RefPtr<>s should come from a create() method. RefPtr<> is
not a generic smartpointer. It is clearly closed tied to Glib::Object.

>   Sorry to be so long winded, but I'm working on a project 
> that needs a
> smart pointer, and I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

Boost would be more suitable.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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