[gtkmm] Glib::RefPtr also for Widgets?

I'll try to summarize the answers:

I wrote
Which is the recommended way to create and destroy toplevel widgets (widgets which are not children of another widget (these are handled well via manage))?
1- Gtk::Foo *w = new Foo();  .... delete w;
2- { Gtk::Foo w = Foo();  ... }

These are the only recomended ways for gtkmm[2] - if I got you right.

3- { Glib::RefPtr<Foo> w = manage(new Foo()); ... }

You can not use manage() with top-level widgets, such as Windows and
Dialogs, and you will see a warning if you try. That just leaves you
with all the regular C++ memory management techniques.
So manage will not work, perhaps did never work. Sigh. I liked the idea 
of using a RefPtr for widgets, too.
Is there another way to RefPtr a widget?

4- { Gtk::Foo *w = manage(new Foo());  .... w->destroy(); }

Yes. delete should cause the destruction of the GTK+ C instance, and
vice versa. If you needed to use destroy() in gtkmm2 then there would
probably be a bug in gtkmm2.
IIRC the preferred gtkmm 1.2 way was:
5- Gtk::Foo *w = new Foo(); .... w->destroy();
But I'm not sure about whether or not manage would ever have been right here.
This leads to a new question:
How to destroy a gtkmm2 dialog within one of it's callbacks. I tried to look inside the examples but got no clue [it looked to me like initial allocation of a static widget and hiding/showing it - smells like a widget leak]. In 1.2 this was the legitimate use for this->destroy(). I even remember Gtk_Trashcan<> with horror ...
I even looked through the gtkmm2 docs, with no answer ... It sounded 
like "delete this;" which really scares me.

PS: the FAQ still mentions destroy():

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