[gtkmm] ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.1.1

*** gtkmm 2.2

gtkmm provides a C++ interface to GTK+. gtkmm 2.2 wraps GTK+ 2.2

Like GTK+ 2.2, gtkmm 2.2 contains only API addition, without API or ABI
breakage. We might do bug-fixing work on gtkmm 2.0, but most work will
happen on HEAD, because a stable GTK+ 2.2.0 has already been released.

Contrary to the gtkmm 2.0.2 announcement, gtkmm 2.0.2 will not build
with GTK+ 2.1.x, due to minor API breakage in GTK+. 

*** Changes

* Gtk::Clipboard API usable, and demonstrated in examples/book/clipboard
  (Murray Cumming)
* new Gtk::ListStore and TreeStore move(), reorder(), iter_is_valid() 
  methods added. (Daniel Elstner)
* Gtk::FileSelection: get_history_pulldown() added. (Mark Jones)
* Added Gtk::Widget::modify_bg_pixmap(). (Daniel Elstner)
* Gtk::RcStyle: Added accessors for public struct fields. (Daniel Elstner)
* Gtk::Style: Added accessors. (Daniel Elstner)
* Gtk::ColorSelection: Added palette methods. (Daniel Elstner)
* Gtk::Label::get_layout(): Corrected refcounting (Daniel Elstner)
* Prevent leak when constructors throw exceptions. (Daniel Elstner)
* Added Glib::get_application_name() and set_application_name()
  (Daniel Elstner)
* spec file improved (Gary Peck)
* Documentation updated automatically from latest C API docs.
  (Daniel Elstner) 

*** Download


You will need libsigc++ 1.2, available here: 

*** Development 

There is ongoing discussion on the mailing list: 
and in the #c++ channel on irc.gnome.org  

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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