[gtkmm] catching doubleclicks


do I need an eventbox (in a normal button) to catch a doubleclick or is the
a more simple solution to it???

I've tried the following without an eventbox:
setuphelpwindow*>(this),  &setuphelpwindow::on_helpaboutbutton_clicked));
and alternatively also
setuphelpwindow*>(this), &setuphelpwindow::on_helpaboutbutton_clicked));
in conjunction with my callback routine:
void setuphelpwindow::on_helpaboutbutton_clicked(GdkEventButton *ev)
  if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS)
    cout << "double clicked" << endl;
but it doesn't compile fine and I don't know what the problem is! (Is this
approach any useful anyway?)
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong (and give me hints on what
to fix)? Thank you!


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