Re: [gtkmm] switching styles impossible?


(exuse the long response time)...

> > here are the results of my 'investigations':
> > It is possible to switch styles after the widget got show()'n
> > BUT it is not possible any more when the main programme (loop)
> > got run(). This means as soon as your GUI is ready for user
> > input there's no way to switch styles any more. This also means
> > that it is impossible to have a (custom-colored) togglebutton with
> custom or
> > (pseudo-)disabled PRELIGHTing for both states (pressed and released).
> > 
> 1. Have you tried gtkmm2?
> 2. Is this a gtkmm, or GTK+ problem?

1. No, I haven't tried gtkmm2 yet. Will it handle this issue and quit my
troubles? (Actually, I don't have any time atm to port my app to gtkmm2).
2. It's a gtkmm problem. Renaming a widget (and changing styles of a widget)
works absolutely fine in gtk+ (tried it under Windows). Testcode available
on demand.


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