Re: [gtkmm] Talk about a major rewrite

Paul Davis wrote:
well, i also see common sets of problems arising, but for me they
mostly come from a willful avoidance of deeply designing a toolkit
around MVC principles. my code typically has at least two ways to
control the model (MIDI data from audio/MIDI control surfaces, and the
GUI), and the model also has lots of state that frequently prevents
certain controls from being effective. i have to work like crazy to
get a non-MVC toolkit to work right for me. things like stopping
buttons from changing their visual state just because they were
clicked. things like dealing with floating point roundoff causing the
apparent state of a GtkAdjustment not matching the double value in the
model, thus causing deeply nested sets of model->view->model
communication. even fresco doesn't handle this well, though its a bit
better in some areas than many. i have yet to see a toolkit that
really takes MVC seriously - that considers user events as mere
requests, mere initiations of possible change, rather than things with
pretty-much-given conclusions ("the button becomes selected"; "the
item is highlighted" etc.)

If I understand you correctly, I think I've run into similar issues, and my GUI classes are cluttered with ugly boolean flags like in_changed_handler_ that I test to avoid redundancy or infinite loops. Even though my models check for actual change before emiting notification on setters, with rounding errors I can get into loops between model/view updates. Also sometimes the model is on another machine over the network with other clients updating it too so I can get into ugly timing race conditions or "loops around the whole network".

however, i wasn't really talking about getting things right for the
*user*. what i meant was that the event-driven model (as opposed to
the imperative one) makes life for us as programmers much harder. you
can no longer think in terms of a single, continuous thread of control
throughout the program - instead, i find myself visualizing lots of
small circular code pathways (event handlers) that originate in and
then lead back the dark core of the main event loop. throw in some
additional threads, and all of a sudden, the functional style i learnt
when i started programming no longer really has anything to teach me,
or any metaphors or analogs to help me think about what i'm doing.

However can't we think of the main event loop as simply reading events one at a time and calling functions to process them? Isn't this analogous to reading bytes from stdin and processing them until EOF? I guess it doesn't seem that dark to me. I agree that with threads it's a whole different game. I've just recently started using threads for a project and it does dramatically complicate things, so I sympathize there.

no thread library, no socket programming API, no WWW-parsing library
can help with this dilemma. but neither can a toolkit, at least not by
itself. what a toolkit can do is not waste my time on its internals,
and the lack of MVC in GTK+ and just about everything else really does
that a great deal. most common GTK+ call in my gtkmm software:


:) fortunately, gtkmm2 (and GTK+ 2) should change all that nonsense.

I've heard of this but never used it. Is it an alternative to the ugly flag approach I mentioned above? Could you please elaborate on how you use it and how gtkmm2 will help? Thanks.

Michael Babcock
Jim Henson's Creature Shop

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