And it gets better, if I add a "gtk-widget-queue-redraw" on
an "expose-event" event to the gtk window. Do I need to
propagate expose-events somehow?
Lakin Wecker schreef:
I've just recently run into a similar problem, where the
window stops
updating after it's been maximized. Everytime I resize the window
thereafter the picture is updated once. Then I have to resize it
again to update.
This is running Ubuntu Linux, with gnome 2.10.
On 6/21/05, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema <hdnews gawab com> wrote:
I'm a new user of GtkGlExt. I've binded GtkGlExt to mzscheme
as part of my mzgtk2 GTK bindings for mzscheme.
Now I noticed that sometimes the drawing area doesn't get
updated (I'm running on Windows XP here). I noticed it also
e.g. with the "rotating-square.c" sample provided with the
library. If the square is stopped and the window is moved,
the window doesn't update well.
Is there anything that I'm missing, why the window updating
isn't working as expected?
Thanks in advance for your answer(s),
Hans Oesterholt.
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