Re: [GtkGLExt] Re: Pango rendering

Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
Please place the relevant code available when ready.
As a quick font solution I did read each pixel value and made
opengl quad if the pixel was on. Next I should try out outline
polygons, texture fonts, and the stuff mentioned at

     the performance hit is when you do gdk_draw_layout() and
then gdk_drawable_get_image(), this means that you have to draw
to an offscreen Pixmap in the X server memory and then download
that image data.

If we had a client side GdkDrawable (with direct pixel data access),
then we could eliminate that step (whether it be for font rendering
or for the use of any gimp drawing primatives on the client side).

I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to acomplish, are you trying
use prerendered glyphs to somehow deduce a relative 3D model, and then
add textures ? whatever it is, it sounds interesting. Personaly I was
only trying to animate a textured surface more-or-less efficiently
using gdk drawing primitives ;-)


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