Convenience functions for dialogs

	Hi, there !

	Some time ago, I made the suggestion of creating a set of convenience
functions for gtkmm, in order to get information from the user, show
information ... in a straightforward way.

	I even fulfilled a bug report:

	Basically, these functions just create the appropriate
Gtk::MessageDialog object and then call Gtk::Dialog::run().

	Indeed, I was told that the use of run() was discouraged by you. I
would like to know if the use of these convenience functions, with its
related use of run() is really a problem.

	The actual implementation of these functions could happen in the form
of static methods of the Gtk::MessageDialog class.

	Salud !




PBC -- J. Baltasar García Perez-Schofield
jbgarcia en uvigo de es
Dep. Informática, Universidad de Vigo, España (Spain)

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