Re: How to stack widgets or GtkFixed doesn't seem to work well for stacking

On 5/11/06, Sean Kelley <sean sweng gmail com> wrote:
It appers that GtkFixed is not really designed for stacking widgets as
it does not have
a concept of a z-axis. What gets drawn on top is purely a matter of what
child comes last when drawing, and a similar story is with input.

GTK does not have stacking. Perhaps one of the newer canvas widgets
will allow something a bit like this, but for now, it's not supported,

You can sort-of fake stacking if you put each child widget of the
fixed inside an eventbox. At least with the X and windows backends
this will pretty much work (by accident, really). You do pop-to-front
by reffing the child, removing it from the fixed, adding it again, and
unreffing it.


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