Why some GTK objects are not GObject?


Why are there "objects" in GTK which are not GObject?
For example, GtkTreeModel, GtkTreeIter, GtkTreePath etc.
I am speaking for GTK+2.0 because I see G_IS_OBJECT assertions

Will they be GObject in the future or will they stay as they are?
If they will be then please ignore the rest of this post.

This makes those kind of objects difficult to implement because
it makes an inconsistent model. I am referring to implementing
GTK via direct calls from a programming language without going
through C (for example, via a JIT engine such as GNU Lightning).

With GObject, I can easily automate "self" while with those kind
of "object" I am forced to pass a pointer to the struct, which
means I have to take care of details to maintain, synchronize,
and free the pointer.


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