Re: Refreshing the GUI in a CPU intensive application

On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 19:49 +0200, Meli V�uez wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I'm working on an application which is CPU intensive. The GUI has
> scrollable window where I print detailed information about
> intermediate results while the application is running. The application
> takes about 2 minutes to end.
> I don't know why the scrollable window doesn't update while it's running.
> Here is how I designed it:
> 1) When the user press 'return', the associated callback adds the so
> called CPU intensive function to the idle queue with low priority (I
> also tried to call it directly).
> 2) This CPU intensive function prints data into the scrollable window,
> but I cannot see this information until the application ends. This CPU
> intensive function consists basically of a huge loop and I tried
> calling:
>    - gdk_window_process_all_updates ();
>    - gdk_window_process_updates();  and
>    - gtk_widget_queue_draw()
> from time to time during the loop. Nothing of this solves my problem.

The Answer That Crushed A Thousand FAQs:

     while (gtk_events_pending()) { gtk_main_iteration(); }

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