Re: getting a unique thread id?

Moin Friedrich,

I have a question about thread in glib. AFAIKT there is not api
function for getting the some sort of unique thread id. The only
function which comes near is:
g_thread_self, but there is not structure but privat or so which could
yield the id of the thread. However how can that be achieved?

g_thread_self gives you a thread ID in the sense, that it's unique (no
two different threads have the same ID) and it's persistent (a thread
will always return the same value [of course not in two different
programs runs]).

But it is not a thread ID in the sense, that it's a low number, usable
for indexing a table or such. If you need that, use GStaticPrivate,
which gets initialized (the first time it's accesses) by a global
counter, which is then increased.

/ Sebastian
Sebastian Wilhelmi
wilhelmi google com

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