Re: QUestion about memory footprint of GTK.

David Moffatt wrote:
Hi all,

I am a newbie working on reducing the memory footprint of GTK
applications for use on a cell phone.  Does anyone know what some of
this is?  Here is a pmap

Hmmmm, what exactly are you asking here... what libraries they are ?

Of a trivial gtk app (think hello world with buttons).

These appear to be memory segments with no permissions.  They are too
big to be guard pages.

Interesting, when I run pmap on my system on a gtk+ app (I ran devhelp and
gtk-demo) I dont get any permissionless segments...

Note also that the addresses reported by pmap appear to be virtual memory
(memory adress aliases used by the process), I dont see how a 32K segment
of permissionless memory is ever going to get "page faulted" into physical


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