Re: gtkhtml for windows ?

Now, I see your point. These are 2 related mozilla mailing lists:

** mozilla-embedding mozilla org
** mozilla-small-devices mozilla org

ps: the first one is more suitable though ...

On 1/16/06, regatta <regatta gmail com> wrote:
Form mozilla bugzilla

I'm trying to use gtkmodembed in a C GTK program, it's working fine
but my problem is that gtkmodembed doesn't load a URL if you call
"gtk_moz_embed_load_url" inside a thread

my question is this a problem in my code or it's simply doesn't
support threads (if there is any maillist for gtkmodembed please let
me know) ?

here is an example from my code :

main function :
g_thread_init (NULL);
       browser = gtk_moz_embed_new();
       g_thread_create(&my_thread,"", FALSE, NULL)
gdk_threads_leave ();

my_thread function :

       gtk_moz_embed_load_url(browser, ""); //
This function doesn't work because we called it from a thread, this is
not the case with other normal GTK widgets



BTW: I know I don't have to put "gtk_moz_embed_load_url" in thread in order to
load a URL but I need it like that in order to generate the html file (it takes
15 minites) and then load the URL

On 1/16/06, Antonio Gomes <tonikitoo gmail com> wrote:
> he there ...
> You do can/should chose 'gtkhtml' for simplicity-wise. But I'm wondering why
> you think *gtkmozembed doesn't support threads* ! When you say to your app
> "load a page" (with gtk_moz_embed_load_uri), it does in another thread, so
> what do you mean ?
> regards

--Antonio Gomes
http:// tonikitoo (dot) blogspot (dot) com (slash)

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