Re: fontconfig error

--- Bill Cunningham <billcu1 verizon net> wrote:

>     Ok Sergei I have follwed your directions with the & and background
> switches. Not knowing this stuff is what keeps me from using your tool more
> than anything else. Anyway the output doesn't really look any different to
> me.
> Bill
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There ONE '&' which says to run in background - the last one.

Why do you care ?

Do not run in the backround if you do not want to - it doesn't matter.

The first '&' is related to redirection of STDERR.

Have you ever heard of STDOUT and STDERR redirection ?

Do you understand what the '1>configure.log 2>&1' mean in the suggested

./configure <whatever_your_args> 1>configure.log 2>&1 &

command line ?

Could you please stop slandering my tool - you appear not to understand
the command line at all and it appears that your not understanding the
command line is not tool-specific. You appear not to understand for
both my tool and standard 'configure'.


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