Stock icons in resource files

The following problem is in 2.10.1, and may have been around for some
versions previously, although things worked okay in the relatively
distant past (2.0?).

My gtk.rc file contains

pixmap_path "/install/share/lcm-tablet/graphics"

style "lcm-tablet-stock"
   stock["compass-gps"] = { { "compass-icon.png" } }
   stock["satellites"] = { { "satellites.png" } }

class  "GtkWidget"       style "lcm-tablet-stock"

as well as some other stuff which works perfectly.  I am trying to
load the icons into toolbar toggle buttons, but I just see white boxes
with red crosses.  No error messages anywhere.

Snippets of my code include

static GtkRadioActionEntry menu_gps_radio []
= { { "Compass", "compass-gps", "_Compass", "<control>C",
      "Touch the compass rose to move around on the map", 0 },
    { "GPS", "satellites", "_GPS", "<control>G",
      "The map will be centred based on information from the GPS receiver", 2 }

and then

     menu_gps_radio, G_N_ELEMENTS (menu_gps_radio), 
     G_CALLBACK (gps_radio_source_changed),

Everything works perfectly apart from the icons not showing up.  Any
ideas anyone?

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