Video in window, window Black

Greetings.- Sorry my English is very poor.
I am per programmer, need help for this:

     use Gtk2 -init;
     use Gtk2::Ex::MPlayerEmbed;

	 my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
         my $embed = Gtk2::Ex::MPlayerEmbed->new;



NOW WORK, but the window is black. I not see the video.
some advice?.

some form exists to interlock a "Video Widget"[1] from glade?, asi like
"entry", "label"...

[1] in thi case MPlayerEmbed.


José Luis Regalado
Debian GNU/Linux User 280381.
San Cristóbal Edo. Táchira - Venezuela
0276-766.72.20 0416-373.75.15 0414-710.48.57
FINGERPRINT=27AB 7E3A F77F 58C8 A0DB  57AD 9912 CF32 9C2E 001E
"Donde  hay  ignorancia  hay  fanatismo  donde
hay fanatismo  no hay tolerancia, donde no hay
tolerancia no hay _paz_"

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