Re: gmodule help

Thanks- its actually quite simple.  In case anyone else searches for info on this, on Linux, shared libraries usable with gmodule are compiled via

gcc -shared -fPIC -o libmylib.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0`

The pkg-config arguments may need to be tweaked depending on your project, of course (if you're using, say, the G_MODULE_EXPORT macro inside your module, you'll need to add "gmodule-2.0" to your pkg-config args, for example... but that macro is only necessary for cross platform compatibility, its not needed if your code is intended only for Linux). 


On 4/7/06, Rick Jones <rick jones2 hp com> wrote:
Greg Steffensen wrote:
> Hey, I'm trying to use gmodule, but am unfamiliar with libtool and
> linking, and am unsure about what compilation commands to use (I've gone
> through the libtool info pages, but still can't quite get it to work).
> Can anyone tell me how to compile a single source file that uses glib
> and gmodule into a ".so" file on Linux, such that gmodule can use it?
> I've pasted the source for the very simple test library and test
> executable I'm trying to get to work below, though I don't expect that
> their contents are important.  Many thanks,

It is probably overkill, but you can take a gander at the configure and in:

for examples of what may not be pristine, nor adhere to chapter and
verse, but seem to be functional use of libtool with automake et al and

> test.c (an executable that loads the library at runtime)
> ------------------------
> #include <glib.h>
> #include <gmodule.h>
> #define PLUGIN_FILE "./"

One thing I've just learned getting netperf4 to work on Linux, HP-UX,
AIX, MacOS X and Windows is that "g_module_open means never having to
include the suffix" so you can, and perhaps should (?) drop the ".so"

rick jones

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